Tips For Teaching Yoga OnlineThe outbreak of Covid-19 has had many looking straight at the unknown. Our routines have... Tips For Teaching Yoga Online
Yoga Poses For Self QuarantineThis is my first blog since the outbreak of a global health pandemic. Needless to say, my... Yoga Poses For Self Quarantine
Yoga Philosophy: Tantra, Nondualism, and Deeper ConceptsThis blog post is my paper from my 300 hour training on Yoga Philosophy. This... Yoga Philosophy: Tantra, Nondualism, and Deeper Concepts
The Elements: EtherYoga works at many levels and from many perspectives. The Elements have become my recent... The Elements: Ether
The Elements: AirYoga works at many levels and from many perspectives. The Elements have become my recent... The Elements: Air
The Elements: FireYoga works at many levels and from many perspectives. The Elements have become my recent... The Elements: Fire
The Elements: WaterYoga works at many levels and from many perspectives. The Elements have become my recent... The Elements: Water
The Elements: EarthYoga works at many levels and from many perspectives. The Elements have become my recent... The Elements: Earth
The 8 Limbs Series: Asteya: NonstealingIn the third installment of the 8 Limbs Series I discuss Asetya, or non stealing.... The 8 Limbs Series: Asteya: Nonstealing
The 8 Limbs Series: Satya: Speaking Your TruthContinuing with my 8 Limbs of Yoga series, I am diving into the Yamas portion... The 8 Limbs Series: Satya: Speaking Your Truth